Saturday, October 6, 2012

Three roads diverged..

After completing one year at my work as a Software Engineer, I reflect upon life. Or, life forces me to look back and then forward. As I see it, there are three roads in front of me.

Road One: The more you think, the more imprisoned you become.
*Perform. Dedicate yourself. Share. Earn as much as you can.  Be happy.

Road two: Take a risk. And then another.
Until finally you realise what you want to do with yourself

Road Three: Simply be!
Let the car drive you. Take the pains and pleasures. Think but don't act. Rock your chair, but move no further.

And which road would it be???

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Beginning

       So after all these years of trying and many moments-of-almost-did-it, I am finally starting to write a blog. For those who wonder whether writing a blog is such a difficult process, I will confess that this has been in my mind for over years, right from the start I heard about the phenomenon "blogs". Hell, I even registered on years before and had written some blogs but they were not worth reading, not even for me. And I quit then.

       I admit it. I was too lazy. To figure out the ways of blogging and connect with people. I enjoyed reading them however. English and Malayalam. I saw blogs becoming so successful that they eventually moved from blogspot to own domains. There was also a kind of selfishness or what-do-you-call-it..that feeling that you were opening up to a stranger and you were not sure you wanted to. I distinctly remember a quote,(in fact a tweet) by Paulo Coelho that "Writing is a socially acceptable form of being naked in public". May be I was too shy or insecure, or may be I didn't have any reason for casting my clothes off.

        But now that I have finally grown up (according to reliable sources), and has since acquired a broad minded and appreciative view about throwing one's clothes away (wink), I think I am ready. Also, I live in that phase of my life where I feel a righteous indignation towards the omnipresent social evils and feel like speaking out loud to my fellow men. However, I can't continue shouting (ask my neighbours...on second thought, No don't!) and venting my frustration as I used to. Ah! the good old days!

       Finally like that good old cartoon ( see here Warning: It's a bit geeky! ) where the boy, sitting next to a girl in the bus stop, trying to calculate when would be the optimum moment to strike a conversation with her, finally realises, I too realise that the best time to begin my blog is well past me. But then again, as they say, better late than never, right?